My favourite book for November is Wicca: Book of Shadows by Cate Tiernan. Without giving too much away, the series is about Morgan and her journey through her teenage years, studying Wicca. Of course there's romance, magic and all that fun stuff but I loved reading about Morgan's real life teenage problems.
I've owned Wicca: Night's Child - the last book of the series (which I bought and read first like the teenage genius I was) - and recently decided to buy the previous books. Book of Shadows is the the first of the series and I loved every bit of it. The series reminds me of myself when I'd just entered my teenage years. Mainly because I read my first book of the series around that time, but also because books and series' like this one are the reason I fell in love with reading - but more on that in another blog post!
Reading this book to me felt like I was reading the prologue of Night's Child. Of course I couldn't put it down and finished it in a day and moved on to the next book! It was interesting that my mind still remembered details from Night's Child, but it was even more interesting when I remembered wrong and got surprised by the book!
The Wicca Series was written and published between the '90s - early '00s so there are a lot of references to old things that aren't really used/talked about anymore - which I love! (I'm talking about you Hanson!) On the flip side, the books are harder to find because of this. If you're interested in buying, I've been buying mine off Amazon and eBay :)