Saturday, 3 March 2012

Updates: 5 months in and the whole world ahead of us


After a little thinking, I decided this was a post worth writing considering I've yet to post any site updates. (If you've been a lurker you may have noticed the recent drastic layout change though!) Whilst my blog is far from a successful and established book blog, I've reached what seems to me like a mile stone in my blogging: I've been lucky enough to have a couple of authors personally contact me about the possibility of reading and possibly reviewing their books.

I originally started this blog 5 months ago with the plan of discussing my thoughts on books and recording my journey into the publishing world. I've always considered reviewing books to be part of the former but at no point did I expect to be contacted by an author – I'm equally honoured and quite frankly flabbergasted by this situation. I have no idea how the authors found me, but I feel so grateful for the opportunity to have someone send me their work to read. I feel like DTW has come a long way since last November. I may not have a million subscribers, but I consider this to be massive progress in the right direction as a both a book lover and for my future career in publishing.

I feel it's important to mention that any books I have been sent to review will always reflect my honest views. I have nothing to gain from false depictions so I have no reason to lie. I know a lot of readers (myself included) can be put off by sponsored posts but I hope this will assure you that my reviews will always remain true to my real opinions.

As for recording my journey into publishing, I've been so focussed on University and my numerous blogs and hobbies that I've barely had time to think of anything else. I'm hoping to get some direct experience of the publishing industry some time between now and my third year of University, but I guess it'll have to wait until this year is over with before I can make any progress. It's a bit of a disappointment but I guess it gives me plenty of time for self improvement instead.

I will be aiming to post more here now I've got to this point. Clearly I'm doing something right, so now it's time to shine! The content I'm not exactly sure of yet. More of the same previous stuff (including reviews, favourites etc.) but I'd also like some new content so I believe it's time to do a little brain storming!

Until the next post! ♥