Wednesday, 11 April 2012

2012 Reading Challenge: Progress Report 2

For some reason my introductory post to my Goodreads 2012 reading challenge has disappeared from my blog, which is pretty upsetting. I haven't noticed anything else go missing so I hope it was a one off. To re-introduce the "challenge" my aim is to read 50 books by the end of the year. I can add to this number if I reach my goal (which I'm pretty sure I'll be able to do, since it's about 4 books a month to get to 50 in a year) but I can't take away from the number otherwise I've failed! (You can actually take away but this is a personal rule I set up) It's all in efforts to get me back into reading after I realised late last year that I hadn't read much that wasn't course related.

My progress at this point in time:

According to Goodreads:

Actual books:

 4 books read in March which is progress in comparison to February, but nothing at all finished this month. It is early into February though, so there's plenty of time to read! Since I've got exams until May, it'll only be course related stuff read but hey reading is reading.

May's update should have a lot more to offer but let's just wait and see!