Friday, 20 April 2012

TGIF (2): Book Blogger Influences

I'm back with another TGIF post! This is a feature hosted weekly by

This week's question:
Book Blogger Influences: Has there been a particular book blogger who's influenced what you read? Share with us a review/book blog that convinced you to pick up a certain book.
I don't think I have any book blogger influences in terms of what I read, to be exact: I don't read book reviews before buying/reading books. I know it sounds silly considering I write book reviews myself, but I prefer to read book reviews after reading a book in order to see if other people's opinions match my own. Think what you want, but I like to read books without having someone else's thoughts and opinions clouding my judgement!

On the other hand, I recently came across a blog that I absolutely fell in love with: Parajunkee's View! I absolutely love the blog owner Rachel - she's so down to earth and lovely. I had somewhat of a book blogger's life crises last week where I couldn't help but question if I really wanted to be a book blogger or not. But then I read a "Book Blogging 101" blog post and realised I wasn't alone in what I was going through and what I was thinking. I have since read all of the series to date and though I don't really look at her book reviews, I love reading her posts! I guess you could say I was influenced enough to keep at book blogging, without the fear of losing myself.